Theory postdoc
We have an open postdoctoral position in mathematical physics. The ideal candidate will have an interest in algebraic geometry and group representations. He or she will contribute to the development of qualitative and quantitative tools for practical computation with strongly correlated fermion wave functions, based on the fundamental insight that many-body Hilbert space is a finitely generated free module. The generators of the module, called shapes, are geometric objects in wave-function space, such that any nodal surface of the many-body wave function can be described as their intersection. Physically they are precisely all possible many-body vacuum states. Algebraic geometry provides the particle picture of quantum mechanics with a mathematical framework as rich as differential geometry does for the field picture. A relaxed introduction to this point of view can be found in the article [Sun16a] (open for freely registered users).
The position is for four years. The successful candidate will have a head start in researching an exciting new open frontier of fundamental quantum mechanics. Interested parties should contact Prof. Denis Sunko.